
Friday, February 22, 2013

Common Experiences at Religious Events

I've been reading a lot accounts by Pantheon attendees. And they all describe similar experiences or reactions.

Here are some examples:

I Wear My Crown - by David Salisbury
PantheaCon: Much Work to be Done - by Teo Bishop

But what I found most interesting, is they're descriptions are IDENTICAL to those I heard from people that have attended similar Christian events, whether multi-day conventions or weekend retreats. And this includes my experience during and after those events. (And I'm sure some of the Woodstock attendees experienced the same thing.)

I would feel a massive, dramatic, sobering movement of the spirit during the event. (Usually coming to a climax during the final program on Saturday night.) Then leaving the event, glowing and floating on a cloud. Then the following week, having to process all the inputs and impressions. And eventually, things going back to normal.

At the time, it would give me confirmation that Christianity really is the one true religion. Because if it wasn't, these things couldn't have happened.

But I have long stopped thinking that way. And I love hearing all these similar stories about PantheaCon. Because it is just another example of how similar all the spiritual paths are. That spiritual experiences happen to everybody in every religion. And no one religion is any better than the other.

Or, it just proves that we're all nuts :)  

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